I'm faced with a situation of having to deal with a church that's is spiritually dying. At this point I know that I am praying for direction, but it seems like every time you suggest an idea like for example starting a prayer group that suggestion is cut short and so many others, how do I deal with this. The church is lukewarm at the moment there is no prayer support and interestingly everything about the Holy spirit is silence. I need counsel, on what to do I'm very worried.

Sister B, UK

Response by
Pastor Grace Akalonu

Assuring Grace

The Bible says in Malachi 3:16 " Then they that feared The Lord spake often one to another: and The Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared The Lord and that thought upon His name". This should be the state of every church and from your description, this is not happening. Jesus do not like a lukewarm place, neither cold nor hot. The church in Laodicea in Revelation 3:15 was like that and Jesus told them He will spue them out if they do not repent. We have no excuse to be comfortable in a dying place. Continuing with them will bring down your zeal. If there is an opportunity to fire them up, point them in the right direction, please do so, but where they will not allow you, quietly leave the place.