How can I increase my faith?

Minister Daisy

July 06, 2021

I often find myself; enquiring, 'Do I have faith as small as a mustard seed in this situation'? Matt 17:20 tells us, if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed, we shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible unto you. So the question is do I have this 'first level' of faith. Do you know the size of a mustard seed? I looked this up and I read the mustard seed size is 1-2mm! You may require a magnifying glass to view the mustard seed! Mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds. However, this very tiny seed has the potentials of growing 20 to 30 feet tall and wide, Halleluyah. Our Lord Yeshua Jesus was comparing our faith to be this small to be able to conquer 'moun-tains'. His disciples were not able to drive out demons from the child(Matt 17:18-19) and they asked the question why. He said moving mountains starts with a mustard seed faith! Halleluyah. Many times we imagine our faith has to be the same size as the mountain we are being confronted with. Yes, if we are walking by sight and not by faith. But if we are walking by faith then the correlation is mustard seed size faith moves mountains. Praise the Lord. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Should our faith remain at the mustard seed level? No. Our faith should grow. The mustard seed can grow 20-30 feet, our faith in Yeshua should grow. How does this happen. Faith comes, by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:17). Are you receiving a systematic plan of teaching where the word is expounded systematically? Do you believe and belong to the Priesthood of all believers? Are you in ministry where your gifts and callings are being nurtured and you can receive ministry from the fivefold ministers? Have you discovered your gifts and are fulfilling your ministry. You can join the army of the Lord. Join the next Global School of Ministry. Ask Pastor Grace how you can be enlisted into the Lord's army. I have been reading His Glory Goes With Us, a faith-building memoir of iron sharpening iron. Are you looking for ways to increase your this memoir and watch your faith grow in leaps and bounds.

Apostle Jacky Hughes

May 10, 2021

If we are truthful, we will always find we hold a little back until we realise it and give it over to God. However, as we grow and learn through experience, those things we pray about resolve, it becomes easier to trust and cast our cares on Him. Each challenge we face is a new opportunity to learn greater trust. When the empty larder fills, the minus in the bank account becomes a positive, the friend we thought we lost comes to make peace with us or greater things happen, they confirm our God is with us, looking after us, and next time round it is easier. Cares and worries can be minor or major, and we probably deceive ourselves when the major things happen if we think we held nothing back. Repent and repeat God's word over the situation and coping is easier. Our minds will fight God's truth, but Scripture will conquer it even if it takes determination to keep repeating relevant verses over and over. I have found Holy Spirit will often drop an apt scripture into my heart for the occasion and then to hang on to that even if my thought life wants to pull me down. Fear and worry are destructive when we allow them to dominate the things that challenge us in life. Our upbringing has trained many of us to shoulder our worries and cares. For me the steps involved learning that my Heavenly Father wanted my best, because He is the perfect Father, and understanding that somehow things will always work together for my good if I love him. It took repeated experiences to be sure this was the case, but these days I begin every challenge by telling myself "all things work together for good for those who love him." (Romans 8:28.) To be sure of this requires a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that is active and ongoing, For some, because of past hurts and pains, it requires inner healing to be able to understand and trust. If we can be there for our brother or sister when they are worn down by cares, help them however we can to shoulder the load, then we become agents to show them how much God loves them.

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His Glory Goes With Us By Grace Akanolu

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