New Year Prayers

New Year Prayers
Article by
Pastor Grace Akalonu

Assuring Grace

We have come to a new year and a fresh start. The former things are gone, and it is time to walk in the newness of life. God, in His graciousness, has kept us. His love and mercies brought us this far.

Lord, we ask for Your goodness and favour to follow us. The year lies ahead of us, Lord, and what it has for us, we do not know. One thing is sure, Lord, You are the light that shines into every corner and on the hidden things of our hearts. Shine Your light of salvation and direction on us. Direct our path Lord to walk in Your glory. May we see the genuine love You have given us through your son Jesus Christ, and help us accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. You are a strong tower; the righteous run into You and are safe. We run into You this year, Lord. Surround us with your arms of protection. The times we are in are uncertain, but because You live, we can face tomorrow. The world is saddled with wars and rumours of wars. Bring Your peace on earth, still the stormy sea. This year, the storm of worry and anxiety, fear, loneliness and abuse is stopped in Jesus' name.

Deliver those suffering from the oppression of Satan in dreams, the physical and emotional. Some families have turmoil, domestic violence, looming divorce, and delinquent family members; Lord, break Satan's bands in Jesus' name. Those looking for blessings of children, jobs, new homes, success in exams and new businesses will have all they asked in Jesus' name. Amen.

Provide for those struggling in life and who are in poverty. We pray for all children in need, children in wars and crises. Father, protect them in Jesus' name. Lets this year be their year of visitation. We pray for the elderly with no one to look after them and no relatives to visit. Father, let your angels be their comfort and companion.

 Heal those in hospital, those suffering from long-term conditions and incurable diseases, in Jesus' name. Deliver us from every accident, air, land and sea in Jesus' name. Amen. We ask for wisdom in all we do. Amen.

We pray for regions facing disaster in their environment and deliver them. Build a hedge around them. Cause the elements of nature to be still.

Some people feel life has been tough on them and have no desire to continue. Lord, we pray that You give them hope in Jesus' name. Amen.

Some among us are rejoicing for the good you have done for them; bless them the more in Jesus' name. Amen.

There are other prayers we may not utter here, but heavenly Father, You know what is in our heart before we ask, reach out to everyone. It shall be a year our prayers will be answered according to our needs in Jesus' name.

We ask for the salvation of the world. Take away the gross darkness of sin, rebellion, hatred, killing, evil and idolatry in Jesus' name. Open our eyes and heart to receive Your love given to us through Your son Jesus. Bring joy and satisfaction to us this year. Help us resist Satan, temptations and trials.

Deliver all those chained by alcohol, drugs, immorality, theft, and all social and personal vices in Jesus' name. Amen.

Go ahead of us this year. It shall be well with us. Give us the grace to be obedient to You and live in righteousness, in Jesus's name. Amen. 

Beryl Hooper

April 12, 2024

Thank You Yeshua! Amen and amen.
