Best of Both: How possible

Best of Both: How possible
Article by
Pastor Grace Akalonu

Assuring Grace

Taking chances is typical of human behaviour. When faced with one option against another, we try to go for both ends. However, this is not always possible. For example, while trying to lose weight on fruits and vegetables, we cannot clutch to our high-calorie cake plate and expect the desired result. If you want to hug your Mum, 6000 miles away, you’ll have to travel. A video call won’t do. Sometimes, we find compromise impossible when we try to ‘get the best of both worlds’. There must be a trade-off.

We were in traffic which was pretty long. I looked out the window and saw drama on the pedestrian path. A little girl about the age of three was on her scooter. She suddenly stopped and asked her Mum to hold her left hand while she rode with her right hand. Her Mum explained to her that it could not work that way. The girl will get hurt. Either she rides with her two hands or holds Mum’s hand, and she takes the scooter away. The girl started crying, insisting her Mum did what she wanted, which was practically impossible. Poor Lady! Her daughter is too young to ride on the scooter with one hand and hold the Mum with the other. She will not balance and will fall, if not both of them.

They were running late to school, and the drama was a bit too much for the morning. After some frustration trying to persuade an unwilling horse, the Mum picked her up to her shoulders. She took the scooter with the other hand. She kept on crying while her mother hurried on to school.

The Mum knows what is best, what works, and what will not. The Lord told me this is how we behave on our journey with Him. He knows the way, how to get there, and what works and what will not. We want it our way while expecting Him to hold our hand in support. We want to eat our cake and have it back! We often ask the Lord to do impracticable things when praying. We moan and feel discouraged when such prayers are not answered. The Lord knows we are asking amiss.

Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. James 4:3 KJV

We want to serve in the church on Sunday and in the Bar from Monday to Friday, praying each day we leave for the bar that God will keep us away from the smell of alcohol. We pray for God to bless our business, yet we do not keep to ethical standards. 

How can one ask God for an air Jet yet suffers from claustrophobia? The person asking lives in a block of flats with no landing or helipad on the roof and cannot afford the expense of Airport parking and tax. It doesn’t make sense.

Some young ladies want a man with specific criteria for marriage: tall, well-built, his suit is sown with the British pound, he has a yacht, Limousine, and mansions, and everyone admires him. Well, you are looking for trouble. If everyone admires him, he can’t be just yours. There will be intense competition, and you will be in for heartbreak. Most Christians want to continue in worldliness, drinking, pop show, lies, cheating, killing and oppressive behaviour while attending church. You cannot serve two masters at the same time. It makes one lukewarm and easily defeated by Satan.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24 KJV

We serve a Holy God; mixing darkness with light does not go together. How can one who kills ask God to protect him while going to kill? It sounds ridiculous. Some want to remain in sin and serve God on our terms. It will not work. You must take one.

 We either allow God to hold us or continue our fancies. Doing both at the same time will compromise our Christian faith. God knows what will work best for us. Let us give Him a chance to guide and direct us, rule and reign in us. God knows the way, and we can surrender our will to Him. He is faithful and just. What have you been doing asking God to rubberstamp it? Today you can yield them all to Jesus, who knows the best. We will be hurt if we try to do the two.

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